COVID-19 Updates



Nov. 23, 2020

Covid-19 Policies for Operations – Phase 3


Who Can Visit & Climb?

Cliff Hangers is now inviting the general public and Members to come into the gym for a visit. In addition, "According to the NC Attorney General's letter of June 5th, anyone who needs to exercise as prescribed by or directed by a medical professional may enter our gym to do so. Your right to privacy is recognized and respected by this facility. In accordance with the ADA, you will not be required to disclose any medical condition or disability."

Limited Capacity

Limiting gym access and total climbers help maintain social distancing and reduce crowds. This is a State-regulated percentage of 30% total capacity that will continue to change with the Reopening Phases. You must make a reservation on our website for entry to the gym

Book Reservation Here


Liquid Chalk (alcohol based) Only may be used in the gym


Symptom Free Climbing

Do not climb if you have any of the following:

– Cough

– Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing

– Chills

– Repeated shaking with chills

– Muscle pain

– Headache

– Sore throat

– Diarrhea

– Feeling feverish or a measured temperature greater than or equal to 100.0 degrees Fahrenheit

– Known close contact with a person who is lab-confirmed to have COVID-19


Reservation Only

All members will need to make a reservation for the time you want to visit the gym due to limited capacity. Book your reservation here



Entry doors will be monitored and opened for admission at time of your reservation by our staff. The soles of all street shoes will be sanitized with UV scanning wand by our staff before entry


Everyone must check-in and out at the front desk and records will be recorded & maintained to help aid in tracing efforts if a positive case is identified in the member base. All transactions will be cashless using credit cards only


Routine Cleaning

All areas of the gym have received a deep-cleaning the week of May 25th. All high-touch areas of the gym will be cleaned and sanitized at least every hour. A full deep-cleaning will take place at the close of business every day. Staff are required to wear protective gloves at all times


Gym Amenities

Prohibit use of water fountains except for bottle filling. Showers will be closed and locker usage is limited to “every other” locker


Face Masks required

The health of our community (members and staff) is extremely important to Cliff Hangers. Wearing masks is a way to limit unnecessary exposure creating a healthier environment

Per Executive Order 180 that goes into effect Nov. 25, 2020, Cliff Hangers will now require anyone inside the gym to wear a face covering at all times whether climbing, exercising or not. 


Social Distancing

Please stay 6 feet away from other members & staff. There will also be signage & directional arrows on the floors throughout the gym to assist in social distancing


Sick? Stay Home

All employees must complete a health questionnaire and have their temperatures taken prior to each shift. Any employee who records higher than a 100.4 fever will be asked to go home.

If you feel sick, you must stay home, and you won’t be able to climb. This is not only a state mandate, but it is the responsible thing to do. Please do not risk spreading illness to your friends and community


Restricted Areas

Some of the areas throughout the gym may be closed or subject to additional capacity restrictions. These areas will be marked, and we thank you for not overcrowding these areas


Sanitize Hands

Before, during and after your climb we encourage you to sanitize your hands. Sanitizing stations & wash basins are provided throughout the gym